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Zones 5–9

Spring Dawn Rhododendron

Rhododendron hybrid 'Spring Dawn'

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Spring Dawn Rhododendron

Rhododendron hybrid 'Spring Dawn'

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Fast-growing, vigorous, cold-resistant, and very beautiful, the Spring Dawn Rhododendron is the perfect choice when you want the beauty of rhododendrons in your garden, but not the usual patience and care. Adding over 6 inches a year, it will be a full 6 feet tall within just 10 years, and mature at double that, really filling space with a dense, evergreen look, plus spectacular flowers. Large, rounded trusses carry many deep pink blooms with yellow throats, blooming right at the peak of the rhododendron season. Fully hardy in zone 5, it’s an excellent bush if you are new to rhododendrons and live in cooler zones. Sure to please, you won’t be waiting long for it to be a substantial presence in your garden, and a highlight of spring. It’s perfect for filling large spaces around trees, or for planting behind smaller acid-loving plants. Unlike many plants grown for evergreen foliage, it is naturally dense and well-formed, needing no trimming – and it has the big bonus of fantastic spring blooms.

  • Large, rounded trusses of deep-pink blooms
  • Flowers at the height of the spring season
  • Vigorous and fast-growing, adding more than 6 inches a year
  • Naturally forms a dense, rounded bush to 12 feet tall and wide
  • Grow in acidic soil for good results

Plant your Spring Dawn Rhododendron in a spot with some morning sun, especially in colder zones, or in a lightly-shaded area, such as beneath deciduous trees. It should be planted in soil that is enriched with lime-free compost, pine needles, pine bark or shredded leaves, and use more as mulch over the roots. The soil should be well-drained, moist, and most important of all, acidic, with a pH value of 6.0 or less. Deer don’t eat it and it normally doesn’t have significant pest or disease problems – just get the soil and light levels right. Water as needed during dry spells – it isn’t drought tolerant. No need to prune and never trim with shears. When young there is value in removing the spent flower heads quickly after blooming, snapping them off just above the top leaves – don’t remove any foliage when doing this. Note that like all rhododendrons it is toxic to horses and livestock.


Botanical Name:

Rhododendron hybrid 'Spring Dawn'

Mature Width:

6-12 ft

Mature Height:

6-10 ft

Grows Well In:

Zones 5-9

Zone Map

Sun Needs:

Full Sun, Partial Sun, Shade

Water Needs:


Growth Rate:


Flower Color:


Flowering Season:
