Snow-N-Summer Asiatic Jasmine
Trachelospermum asiaticum 'HOSNS'View more from Other Shrubs & Hedges
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The Snow-N-Summer™ Asiatic Jasmine is an evergreen vine with slender stems that sprawls across the ground for 2 or 3 feet, while staying just a few inches tall. The new leaves are bright pink and then turn white, before maturing to a mottled green and white patterning. In summer 1-inch flowers shaped like windmills cover it. They have a yellow center and give out the rich fragrance of jasmine. Grow it over bare earth in partial shade or dappled full shade, or to brighten pots and planters beneath larger shrubs.
Partial shade is ideal for the Snow-N-Summer™ Asiatic Jasmine, and it will also grow in light, dappled full shade, such as beneath open trees. It grows in most kinds of well-drained soils, preferring richer soil with some moisture. It is drought resistant when established, and pests, diseases and deer don’t bother it. Some spring fertilizer is all it takes to get the best results – this really is a care-free plant, once established.
Botanical Name:
Trachelospermum asiaticum 'HOSNS'
Mature Width:
2-3 ft
Mature Height:
.5-.75 ft
Grows Well In:
Zones 7-10
Sun Needs:
Partial Sun, Shade
Water Needs:
Growth Rate:
Flower Color:
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