Lydian Broom
Genista lydiaView more from Other Shrubs & Hedges
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Lydian Broom is a spectacular summer-blooming shrub to 2 feet tall, with many slender, arching stems topped with a profusion of brilliant-yellow flowers all through May and June. The green stems create a unique fine visual texture for the rest of the year. It thrives in the hottest and driest places, on sunny slopes, tops of walls, banks and rocky places. Grow it with other Mediterranean plants like lavender, rosemary, catmint and junipers, or mass plant it to brighten those dry places in your garden.
Lydian Broom should be planted in full sun, in hot parts of the garden. It grows well in all well-drained soils, acid or alkaline, preferring gravels and sands over heavy clays and rich soils. It is hardy almost everywhere, if winter conditions are not too wet. It is normally untouched by pests, diseases or deer, and it tolerates salt-spray too, making it perfect for beach cottages. A light trim to remove the tips of the stems after flowering is all the care it needs to look perfect all year round.
Botanical Name:
Genista lydia
Mature Width:
2-3 ft
Mature Height:
1-2 ft
Grows Well In:
Zones 4-9
Sun Needs:
Full Sun
Water Needs:
Growth Rate:
Flower Color:
Flowering Season:
Spring, Summer