Golden Privet
Ligustrum x vicaryiView more from Privet Hedges
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The Vicary Golden Privet is a vigorous, fast-growing evergreen shrub that will reach 12 feet tall and 10 feet wide if untrimmed. Trimmed plants can be kept as low as 3 feet tall. The solid-gold leaves hold their color well, turning a little greener in shade and as they mature. Grow it as a specimen, or use it to create brilliant and colorful golden hedges or shapes, that will really bring your garden to life. White flowers in late spring attract insects and butterflies, and black berries feed winter birds.
Grow the Vicary Golden Privet in full sun for the brightest and yellowest leaf coloring. Plants in shade will be greener. It grows well in ordinary garden soils, and even tolerates heavy clays, urban soils and shallow soils. It has moderate drought resistance once established, but grows more vigorously with regular watering. Pests or diseases are very rare, and deer usually leave it alone. A trim after flowering will remove the possibility of seeds being produced.
Botanical Name:
Ligustrum x vicaryi
Mature Width:
7-10 ft
Mature Height:
8-12 ft
Grows Well In:
Zones 5-9
Sun Needs:
Full Sun, Partial Sun
Water Needs:
Growth Rate:
Flower Color:
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