Fragrant Mountain Sweet Box
Sarcococca hookeriana var.humilis 'Sarsid 2' (PP# 19,951)View more from Other Shrubs & Hedges
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The Fragrant Mountain Sweet Box is a wonderful low-growing evergreen shrub that forms dense clumps of slender branches covered in glossy, dark-green, leathery leaves. Through the winter months tiny white flowers along the stems release a rich, sweet fragrance. These are followed by black berries popular with wild birds. This plant is very shade-tolerant, and ideal for shady beds, slopes, and in woodlands. Trim it into a low hedge for edging, where it closely resembles boxwood. Very easy to grow and perfect for those dry, deep shade areas that are so hard to fill.
Hardy in zone 6 Fragrant Mountain Sweet Box is the hardiest variety of these plants. It should be planted in partial shade to full shade, and once established tolerates even deep shade. It grows in ordinary well-drained soils and it’s drought resistant once established. Space plants 2 or 3 feet apart for ground cover. It can be trimmed as needed in spring, after flowering, and benefits from mulch and regular watering when young.
Botanical Name:
Sarcococca hookeriana var.humilis 'Sarsid 2' (PP# 19,951)
Mature Width:
3-6 ft
Mature Height:
2-3 ft
Grows Well In:
Zones 6-9
Sun Needs:
Partial Sun, Shade
Water Needs:
Growth Rate:
Flower Color:
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