Dwarf Serbian Spruce - Tree Form
Picea omorika 'Nana'View more from Spruce Trees
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The Dwarf Serbian Spruce tree is a marvelous dwarf evergreen tree, hardy in all but the coldest and hottest parts of the country. It forms a neat, rounded globe on a short trunk, and never needs trimming to be always neat and attractive. The trunk lifts it up to create a striking accent. It has sparkling bi-color foliage, in blue-green and silver, giving it a lively appearance. You can grow it as part of your foundation planting, as a specimen in a bed of other shrubs and evergreens, or in a pot, with flowers planted all around it. If you have a terrace or patio it is an excellent way to get height in your planters, especially if your space is limited. In a larger garden, plant it near the house, where its beauty can be appreciated every day.
Plant your Dwarf Serbian Spruce tree in a sunny place, in any soil that is well-drained, and not always wet. It is hardy down to minus 20 degrees, so it will grow from zone 5 to zone 8 – that is most of the country. It is moderately drought resistant, once established, it will become a garden favorite – always attractive every day of the year, asking for nothing and neither shedding leaves that need raking, or attracting any pests or diseases. This handsome dwarf tree is a reliable addition to any garden, and a favorite of all gardeners who know how to pick the best.
Botanical Name:
Picea omorika 'Nana'
Mature Width:
2-3 ft
Mature Height:
5 ft
Grows Well In:
Zones 5-8
Sun Needs:
Full Sun
Water Needs:
Growth Rate: