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Zones 3-7
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Zones 3-7

Rushmore Arborvitae

Thuja occidentalis 'Rushmore'

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Rushmore Arborvitae

Thuja occidentalis 'Rushmore'

35013 reviews
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Special Features
Zone Map
Attracts Butterflies
Bird Friendly
Fall Color

Botanical Name

Thuja occidentalis 'Rushmore'

Outdoor Growing zone


Mature Height


Mature Width


Sun needs

Full Sun, Partial Sun



The Rushmore Arborvitae is a selected form of the American arborvitae, hardy to zone 3. It has a slender, elegant form, and it grows to 8 feet tall and just 2 feet wide in ten years. It will ultimately reach 20 feet or more, but still only be 3 to 5 feet wide. It needs no trimming to keep that form, and its swirls of dense foliage look beautiful just as they are. The leaves stay a rich green all winter long, never bronzing or browning, and always looking great in your garden. Grow it as a specimen in a lawn or a bed. Plant a row as a narrow screen for privacy or wind protection. In warmer zones you can also use it as an attractive container plant for a terrace or patio.

  • Slender and graceful spire of rich green foliage
  • Never bronzes and stays green all winter through
  • Needs no trimming to keep its dense, narrow form
  • Great choice for zones 3 and 4
  • Ideal for specimens, screens or hedges

Grow the Rushmore Arborvitae in full sun for the best and thickest growth. Plant it in ordinary well-drained soil, and don’t let the soil remain dry for too long, although established plants will easily tolerate ordinary summer dry periods. It is hardy in zones 3 to 7 in the garden, and hardy as a container plant from zone 5. It is not bothered by pests or diseases, although deer will eat it. Use evergreen fertilizer in spring when plants are young, to produce the quickest and healthiest growth. If you want to trim for a more formal look, do this in spring after hard frosts are gone, and again in late summer, if you wish.

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