All the Rage Easy Elegance® Rose
Rosa 'BAIrage' (PP# 19,945)View more from Roses
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Botanical Name
Rosa 'BAIrage' (PP# 19,945)
Outdoor Growing zone
Mature Height
Mature Width
Sun needs
Full Sun
All the Rage Easy Elegance® Rose is a beautiful shrub rose growing between 3 and 5 feet tall, with very healthy and disease-resistant foliage, looking fresh and clean all season. It blooms profusely and continuously from early summer into the fall, and every branch ends with a cluster of beautiful flowers. They are open cups of apricot petals with a heart of glowing yellow, turning to coral or lipstick pink as the bloom matures. Grow it among your shrubs for continuous color, to edge a path or drive, beside the doorway or in planters and pots.
Plant your All the Rage Easy Elegance® Rose in full sun for best results. Heavier, richer soils are preferred, including clay, as long as it is well-drained. Either acid or alkaline soils are fine. Prepare the bed and mulch with organic material, and use a rose fertilizer, especially for plants in pots. This variety is cold-resistant in zone 4 without protection, grows well in hot zones too, and it is very resistant to both black spot and powdery mildew.
This new century we live in has brought many changes, but for gardeners the biggest was the rose revolution. Pushed aside were those roses that needed endless spraying, fancy pruning, tons of work – and all that for a few flowers in early summer. Instead, in came a troop of disease-resistant shrub roses that bloom continuously, make great landscape bushes, and need hardly any more effort than any garden shrub. As well, some are super-hardy, surviving cold winters without special protection. So that just leaves choosing a color from among these new delights – always the fun part, but that can be easy too. All the Rage Easy Elegance® Rose has gorgeous blooms that slide effortlessly from apricot to coral pink, with a touch of yellow in the center. You get a whole palette of gorgeous tones in an endless parade of blooms on this great shrub rose. Winter-hardy for sure, incredibly elegant, and of course, as easy as can be.
All the Rage Rose is a rounded deciduous bush growing between 2 and 5 feet tall, depending on your climate, with a width of 3 or 4 feet. It has many sturdy, upright branches forming a dense, shrubby plant that fits perfectly into your landscape. The leaves are a rich glossy green, about 4 inches long, divided into 2 or 3 pairs of leaflets along a central stem, with one at the end. The foliage is full and bushy, and since it is incredibly resistant to common rose diseases, especially black spot and powdery mildew, the leaves stay clean and fresh, without falling, all through the season. This rose is not grafted, but grows on its own roots, so you don’t have to worry about suckers, or vigorous stems turning out not to be the correct rose – every stem that grows is guaranteed to be this gorgeous rose bush.
The flowers are carried abundantly from late spring into fall, and your bush will be in flower continuously. Each new stem ends in a cluster of flowers, and throughout the growing season new shoots and blooms are produced from the stems, as older ones fade. Clusters contain 10 or more blooms, opening in succession, and each bloom remains attractive for 3 to 5 days, before the petals drop cleanly, with no dead-heading needed. Each bloom begins as a tight bud, colored bright coral pink. The flower opens into a rounded bowl of 10 to 12 petals with elegant wavy edges, forming a 2½-inch cup of glowing apricot. There is a center of golden stamens, and the base of the petals fades into a glowing yellow heart. The blooms have a soft rose fragrance. As the flowers age the petals become more coral and then bright lipstick pink.
With its continuous blooming, All the Rage Rose is an obvious choice for your sunny shrub beds. It is perfect in the front or middle of beds, surrounded by other flowering shrubs. Plant it as a continuous edge, or in clusters and drifts, spacing plants 2 feet apart, or up to 3 feet apart in warmer zones. You can circle a tree with it or line a path or driveway. In warmer zones it can also be grown in pots and planter boxes. You can cut stems of flowers for vases in your home too.
With hardy genes coming from a Canadian parent rose, All the Rage Rose is incredibly hardy even in zone 4, where it needs no winter protection. It is also hardy through all warmer zones, and it can be grown everywhere in the country except for southern Florida and southern California.
For the best growth plant in full sun. The soil should be well-drained and preferably a loam soil, not dry and sandy. Both acid and alkaline soils are suitable. Roses grow well in clay soils, and All the Rage Rose is no exception. Use plenty of rich organic material when planting, and as an annual mulch in fall or spring.
Feed in spring and again in summer with rose fertilizer, as directed on the package. Slow-release fertilizers only need to be used once a year. Bushes in planters should be fed twice a month with liquid rose food. Water regularly during dry weather. You can leave the spent flower clusters to disappear among the new growth, or trim them off once the petals have fallen, cutting back to the first full-sized leaf. New stems will quickly sprout out, carrying more blooms. In late winter or early spring, you can prune, removing any weak and broken stems completely, and shortening the remaining stems back to 1 or 3 feet tall. After a few years remove any old stems that are not so vigorous anymore. In colder zones wait until new buds are beginning to grow, and trim back to the first strong bud. Winter protection is not needed, so don’t pile earth or leaves around the base of your bush – bare stems survive winter better.
Almost all garden roses are the result of cross-pollination between two existing varieties, done by hand. All the Rage Rose was created that way, by Peter Ping Lim of Yamhill, Oregon, one of America’s great rose breeders. He began with a hardy pink rose called ‘Morden Centennial’, created in 1972 by Dr. Henry H. Marshall, a rose breeder with Agriculture Canada at the Morden Research Center in Manitoba. Ping Lim used pollen from a disease-resistant red shrub rose called All That Jazz (`TWOadvance`), released in 1991 by Jerry Twomey, for DeVor Nurseries, Inc. of Watsonville, California. Among the seedlings he raised was an outstanding plant combining hardiness, vigor and disease resistance with continuous blooming and beautiful flowers. He named it ‘BAIrage’ and it was patented in 2009. It is made available by Bailey Nurseries, as part of their Easy Elegance® range of garden roses.
We are thrilled to have this great rose – and all our other Easy Elegance Roses – to offer you, so that you can enjoy a summer of beautiful roses without all that work. We know how popular these plants already are, so our stock won’t last long – order now.