Pygmy Date Palm
Phoenix roebeleniiView more from Palm Trees
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The Pygmy Date Palm is truly one of the most beautiful palm trees available, and it has the great advantages of remaining small, and of growing in lower light than most other palms. Bigger palms become too large for most home, and need a lot of light, but the Dwarf Date Palm never outgrows its welcome, and it will thrive indoors for decades. Place it in moderate light, water when dry, fertilize from time to time, and it will be happy. It has the classic ‘palm tree’ look, with a rough brown trunk and circular crown or arching leaves, each with a central stem and many slender side leaflets. This palm tree fits into any kind of room, from classic antiques to ultra-modern, and everything in-between. It will grow well in any room with bright to moderate light, and it is normally pest-free and easy to grow.
Outdoors the Dwarf Date Palm can be grown from zone 9b and warmer, so there are large areas of California and Arizona, as well as Florida and southern Texas, where this tree can grace your garden, even if it is too cold for other palms. It will grow in full sun or partial shade, in almost any kind of well-drained soil. Once established outdoors it is drought resistant, and pest resistant too. It will grow only to 10 or perhaps eventually 12 feet tall, so it fits well into the smallest garden, or it can be grown in a container if you have no garden at all. In fact, if you have somewhere to keep it in the coldest months, this is an ideal container plant to give that tropical look to any garden.
Botanical Name:
Phoenix roebelenii
Mature Width:
4-6 ft
Mature Height:
6-10 ft
Grows Well In:
Zones 9-10
Sun Needs:
Full Sun, Partial Sun
Water Needs:
Growth Rate:
Flower Color:
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