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May Night Salvia

Salvia x sylvestris 'Mainacht'

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May Night Salvia

Salvia x sylvestris 'Mainacht'

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Probiotic Root Stimulant

Probiotic Root Stimulant


The May Night Sage forms a dense clump of stems up to 2 feet tall, with dark-green aromatic foliage on the lower half, and flowers of the darkest violet-blue on the top half. It is a perennial plant that dies back to the roots each fall, resprouting stronger than ever the next spring. It blooms throughout May and June, and often reblooms in cooler areas all the way into the fall. It’s vibrant flowers look wonderful in front of the gold or silver foliage of shrubs, or mixed with lighter-colored flowers. Grow it in rocky places too, on sunny slopes or the levels of terracing.

  • Blooms in May and June with deep, violet-blue flowers
  • Upright cluster of stems 2 feet tall when blooming
  • Loved by butterflies and hummingbirds
  • Grows well in hot and sunny parts of your garden
  • Attractive even when the flowers are over

Plant the May Night Sage in full sun, and it will enjoy a little afternoon shade in hot zones. Plant it in any well-drained soil, both acid or alkaline, and including dry and poor soils. The only maintenance needed is to cut it back to the ground in late fall. Removing spent flower heads will encourage reblooming, or they are attractive even when the flowers are gone, and can be left to minimize garden maintenance. Deer and rabbits leave it alone and it rarely suffers from any pests or diseases.

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