High Fragrance Camellia
Camellia hybrid 'High Fragrance'View more from Camellias
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The High Fragrance Camellia is something very, very special – a scented camellia. This is very rare, but this unique variety has large blooms which release a delicious fragrance that is sweet and complex, like jasmine or perhaps sweet peas. The large blooms are fully-double with twirling ruffled petals in shades of pink. The bush is vigorous and genuinely fast-growing, with an open, arching form ideal for shrub beds and natural gardens. Blooming between February and April it will make early spring a time of delight in your garden – don’t pass up the chance to grow this rare beauty.
The High Fragrance Camellia is hardy to zone 7, and it should be planted in partial shade, such as morning sun and afternoon shade, in the shade of deciduous trees, or on an east or north-facing wall. The soil should be moist, well-drained and rich in organic material, and it must be acidic, with a pH of 6.5 or less. Grow it in a tub or planter if you don’t have suitable soil in your garden. Potted plants can be brought inside for the winter, to a cool, bright place, if you grow it in colder zones.
Botanical Name:
Camellia hybrid 'High Fragrance'
Mature Width:
6-10 ft
Mature Height:
8-12 ft
Grows Well In:
Zones 7-9
Sun Needs:
Partial Sun
Water Needs:
Growth Rate:
Flower Color:
Flowering Season:
Spring, Winter