Castle Spire Blue Holly
ilex x meserveae 'hachfee'View more from Holly Trees
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Enjoy a great evergreen accent in your garden with the Castle Spire Holly. Dark-green shiny leaves are fresh and beautiful all year round and in fall and winter red berries brighten the garden. Twice as high as it is across, this shrub will reach ten feet tall without taking up a lot of room or needing clipping.
Why struggle to control spreading plants when you can sit back and let the Castle Spire Holly shape itself into a perfect colorful accent. Use it to frame a doorway or make a narrow hedge, or line your driveway with spaced-out pairs for a grand entrance. This plant needs no special conditions to thrive and will grow in full sun or moderate shade, so it can be used throughout your garden. Plant a Blue Prince Holly nearby to get the biggest berry crop.
Botanical Name:
ilex x meserveae 'hachfee'
Mature Width:
3-4 ft
Mature Height:
8-10 ft
Grows Well In:
Zones 5-9
Sun Needs:
Full Sun, Partial Sun
Water Needs:
Growth Rate: