Old Gold Juniper
Juniperus × pfitzeriana 'Old Gold'View more from Juniper Trees
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The Old Gold Juniper is a tough and reliable spreading evergreen, growing 2 or 3 feet tall and about 5 feet wide within 10 years. Older plants can be significantly wider, and a foot or two taller. The spring shoots are bright yellow, turning bronzy gold in summer, and holding that color well through winter. Always bright and attractive, this tough plant will grow almost anywhere, under harsh conditions, and it is perfect for covering slopes and rocky ground, planting beside paths and driveways, and for filling spaces in beds.
Full sun will keep your Old Gold Juniper bright and healthy. It grows in any well-drained soil, including sandy and rocky soils, shallow soil, and in urban conditions. Avoid wet soil and shady areas. Pests and diseases are never seen, and deer ignore this tough plant. No pruning is needed or desirable, but if needed its spread can be controlled by trimming younger stems in summer.
Botanical Name:
Juniperus × pfitzeriana 'Old Gold'
Mature Width:
4-8 ft
Mature Height:
2-5 ft
Grows Well In:
Zones 4-9
Sun Needs:
Full Sun
Water Needs:
Growth Rate: