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Strawberry Candy Daylily

Hemerocallis ‘Strawberry Candy’

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Strawberry Candy Daylily

Hemerocallis ‘Strawberry Candy’

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Daylilies have come a long way since the days of tall, waving stems carrying a few orange flowers for a week or so – flowers that were finished by mid-afternoon. Today we have an abundance of newer varieties that bloom for 16 hours, meaning they are still beautiful when you come home from work, and when you are out firing up the barbeque. The Strawberry Candy Daylily is one of the best for this, and that’s before we even look at the amazing pink color of the blooms, or that fact that those bud-packed stems come back again in late summer for an encore. The 4 ½ inch blooms are a beautiful ice-cream pink-peach, with a central yellow eye surrounded by a deep pink zone. The flower stems stand a good 2 feet tall, raised above the clump of light-green leaves, and after their early-summer arrival, in the middle of the daylily season, they burst back with a whole new bag of candy – a second blooming that can extend into fall. Superb in beds, on slopes and banks, and in pots and planters.

  • Full, beautiful blooms of peachy-pink
  • Striking eye-zone circle of deep strawberry pink
  • Flowers stay open all through the evening hours
  • Reliable re-bloomer, in early summer and early fall
  • Foliage stays green through winter in warmer zones

Plant the Strawberry Candy Daylily in a bright, sunny spot for the best results, and maximum reblooming. Plant in a well-drained soil that you have enriched with organic material, and watch it grow. Once established this plant is drought-resistant and tough, making it really easy to grow in hot, dry places. It’s normally free of pests or diseases and very easy to grow. Remove the flower stems once the buds have all opened, and remove dead and dying leaves in late fall, leaving the new, shorter ones that have recently sprouted.

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