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Zones 4-8

Little Goldstar Black-eyed Susan

Rudbeckia fulgida ‘Little Goldstar’ (PP# 22,397)

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Little Goldstar Black-eyed Susan

Rudbeckia fulgida ‘Little Goldstar’ (PP# 22,397)

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A perfect small plant, the knee-high Little Goldstar Black-eyed Susan is as easy to grow as any plant can be. It’s a wonderful way to color-up your summer garden, and well into fall too. With 80 blooms per plant – double that of the well-known variety ‘Goldsturm’ – it will turn the smallest spot into a big splash of color. Forms a low mat of dark-green hairy leaves, that stay rich and green, without any yellowing, well into fall. The star-shaped flowers are brilliant yellow, with a large black cone-like center. Reliably hardy, unlike the ‘gloriosa daisy’ type, this fabulous little perennial will look perfect edging your beds, or along a path. Use it with other perennials, such as cone-flowers, catmint and Russian sage for a spectacular summer garden. Grow it on slopes among evergreens, in cottage gardens beside everything, and in natural settings as well. It is a garden form of a wild plant native to America, so it’s always right at home.

  • Knee-high blooms for month after month
  • Profuse display of gold flowers with black centers
  • Blooms from June to October
  • Reliably perennial and always comes back strong
  • A form of a wild plant native to America

A place in the sun suits the Little Goldstar Black-eyed Susan perfectly, although it will take a little afternoon shade just fine. Plant in any well-drained soil, from sand to drier clays, and in alkaline soils too. Grows well in poor, sandy soils and urban gardens. Free of pests or diseases, and it isn’t eaten by deer, so just plant and it will do the rest. Once established it is very drought resistant and almost never needs watering. Completely winter-hardy even in zone 4.Cut out any flower stems that finish flowering, and cut the plant down completely in late fall.

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